Completion of Sakura Workshop


As the 6th Omori manufacturing base, following our Head Office/Factory, Nagaoka Factory, Omori Works, Beijing Omori Changkong in China and Omori North America in Canada, “Sakura Workshop” was completed as our central base for the development of new technologies. On December 3, 2012, a completion ceremony was held by Shrine staff of Hisaizu Shrine, followed by a completion announcement party.

The completion announcement party was attended by about 330 people, including customers, supplier partners and business associates from various fields and they expressed their kind congratulations and impressions for us. The cutting of New Year’s rice cakes was performed on a stage decorated in cherry blossom theme, and Mr. Brian Cooney, president of Omori North America, proposed a toast to start the party.

On the 12th and 13th December, about 30 lines of packaging machines and systems were displayed in the assembly area on the first floor and a “Meeting of Study and Observation commemorating completion” was held, with about 270 customers of more than 130 companies attending. The calm atmosphere contrasted with the noise of an Exhibition - the invited customers could take their time to understand Omori technologies and we were pleased to receive many requests from them.

Two years ago, we added “Sakura spirits” to “Omori spirits” to make great strides in technology and in growth. In Omori we added a new stage called “Sakura Workshop” which will be our Technical Dispatch base, our Manufacturing Base and our Presentation Showroom. We express our thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this new development. We trust that we will meet your highest expectations.

President Cooney proposed a toast. Pleasant chats at the party Sakura Workshop


January 01, 2020
2020 New Year's Reflections
April 15, 2019
Notification of holidays
January 01, 2019
2019 New Year's Reflections
January 01, 2018
2018 New Year's Reflections
January 01, 2017
2017 New Year's Reflections
December 26, 2013
Omori Expands Into India!
December 23, 2012
Foundation of Omori North America
December 23, 2012
Completion of Sakura Workshop

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8:30-17:30 (Japan time)

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